Understanding Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins are enlarged veins that are overfilled with blood causing blood pooling. Varicose Veins develop when excess pressure builds up in the blood vessels that hinders blood circulation and delays proper blood flow. Varicose Vein Management is critical as it may lead to severe other complications which might require immediate medical attention.
This article provides essential information on symptoms of Varicose Veins and contains vital knowledge to prevent varicose veins from developing in the first place. Lifestyle changes play a major role in varicose veins treatment, this article even includes best exercises for varicose treatment which may prove beneficial as a natural treatment choice.
Varicose Vein Symptoms may vary with the patient and the severity of Varicose Veins. Varicose Veins usually develop because of various reasons including excessive strain on leg muscles, prolonged sitting or even excess weight. Varicose Veins has a high chance of being passed genetically too. Varicose Veins Prevention primarily involves knowing it’s symptoms first. Here are a few symptoms to look out for,
Symptoms Of Varicose Veins
Visible Varicose Veins
One of the most prominent symptoms of Varicose Veins is visibility of enlarged twisted veins in the leg muscles or lower legs especially with changes in skin color. Varicose vein can develop on one leg or both the legs. If you notice any visible changes on your legs along with pain or even discomfort, there is a high chance of it being varicose veins.
Pain and discomfort in the legs are alarming symptoms of Varicose Veins. Since healthy blood flow is interrupted causing blood to remain stagnant it may cause a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the legs. While indulging in day-to-day activities particularly activities that require the patient to be physically active, this discomfort may aggravate pain.
Swelling of Veins in the legs can indicate issues with blood circulation in the body. This can also lead to halting blood flowing completely causing issues that range from pain, swelling, cramps, skin color changes to severe health conditions such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency or even loss of toes and legs.
Skin Changes
Varicose Veins usually involves noticeable skin changes such as change in skin color, the skin becoming flaky which might cause a sense of irritation and itching. This indicates an advanced stage of Varicose veins and can lead to formation of open sores which might be hard to manage.
The Role of Exercise in Managing Varicose Veins
Why Exercise Matters?
Physical Activity as we all know is vital for overall wellbeing. Apart from indulging in physical activities to just look good and feel confident, did you know that regular exercise plays a prominent role in managing varicose veins?
Certain exercises and indulging in a particular exercise routine can in fact prevent varicose veins from occurring in the first place. Though genetic factors that cause varicose veins cannot be completely eradicated, certain exercises especially those to improve blood circulation provide you with a better chance to manage this condition. Also, studies show that regular exercise can reduce symptoms of Varicose Veins by up to 50% in patients.
Best Exercise for Varicose Veins
Walking is considered one of the best exercises for varicose veins. Walking improves overall circulation and thus involves improving circulation to the legs. Walking is a cardiovascular exercise and proves to improve blood flow as well as endurance and stamina. It can also help tackle loss of muscle mass and helps improve muscle strength. Indulging in a brisk morning or evening walking routine helps you manage a healthy weight as well. Enough said, get out of bed and put on your walking shoes!
Since Swimming involves buoyancy there is literally no pressure exerted on the veins in the lower legs. Activities such as Swimming strengthen leg muscles and helps improve circulation throughout the body, including the legs.
With improved circulation, chances of blood flow becoming stagnant, or clotting is less. Studies have shown that swimming can also reduce blood pressure and since this physical activity involves keeping the legs straight to the heart it improves circulation of blood and helps alleviate symptoms of Varicose Veins. Did you know that approximately 23% of adults are affected by varicose Veins? Incorporating exercises such as swimming helps drastically alleviate pain associated with this health condition.
Leg vein issues such as Spider Veins or Varicose Veins can be managed effectively with physical activities such as Cycling reduces pain and inflammation caused by varicose veins as it helps improve circulation of blood throughout the body. Moreover, pedaling helps strengthen calf muscles which is also known as the second heart.
The heart pumps blood to the entire body, while the calf muscle pump blood upwards defying gravity to ensure it reaches all the parts of the body. The rhythmic contraction and expansion of the calf muscles ensures one leg receives blood while the other leg pushes it to all the other parts and keeps the vein health in check.
Calf raises and Leg Lifts
Calf Raises, Leg Lifts and ankle rotations are specific exercises that helps alleviate varicose veins symptoms. These are also considered a form of low impact exercise that can be performed anywhere, anytime, without the need for gyms or specific training instruments. Moreover, the risk of injury especially while dealing with health conditions such as varicose veins reduce significantly with these low impact exercises.
When Exercise Isn’t Enough for Varicose Veins Treatment
Yes, Exercise can prove to be beneficial to alleviate Varicose Vein Symptoms. Following a balanced exercise regimen can improve overall health and contribute to holistic living too. However, to cure varicose veins and completely prevent varicose veins from reoccurring considering advanced IR (Interventional Radiology) techniques can be a wise choice.
Interventional Radiology as an Advanced Treatment Option for Varicose Veins
Interventional Radiology – A Non-Surgical Solution
Endovenous Laser Ablation
Endovenous Laser Ablation is an advanced IR (Interventional Radiology Technique) that is a non-surgical technique and is minimally invasive in nature. This procedure involves making a small incision to insert a thin laser fiber that heats the affected veins causing it to collapse. Once this close varicose veins, blood flow is directed to healthier veins improving overall circulation. Other advantages include,
Minimally Invasive
Non-Surgical techniques do not involve making large incisions and does not even involve stitches or sutures, which is a huge advantage over traditional surgical methods.
Since they are highly advanced treatments, latest methods like using laser therapy to treat ailments along with imaging techniques provide the patient with minimal scarring and a faster recovery phase. These procedures are usually performed by an Interventional Radiologist.
Day Care Procedures
Non-surgical solutions do not require the patients to get admitted for days to the hospital. In most cases, the patient can return home the very same day. They can also continue with their regular activities within a few days.
Minimal Side Effects
When compared to traditional surgical methods which usually involve open surgeries, non-surgical solutions have minimal side effects on the body. Open surgeries also increase the chance of severe complications such as blood loss and infection to surrounding organs. With minimally invasive treatment options the chance of such complications occurring during the procedure minimizes drastically.
Faster Recovery
Since IR (Interventional Radiology) techniques are non-surgical and minimally invasive it provides faster recovery phase to patients allowing them to indulge in day-to-day activities much sooner than expected. Patients can also get back to work and resume physical activities such as working out, cycling etc.
Exercising can be a great decision you make to improve overall quality of life. Particularly, if you are suffering with Varicose Veins, following a balanced workout regimen can help alleviate the symptoms of Varicose Veins.
Nevertheless, we cannot completely deny the fact that this health condition can be caused due to multiple other factors such as genetics or even a sedentary lifestyle. However, the complete cure to Varicose Veins can be choosing a treatment option that provides permanent relief with minimal side effects on the body as compared with other traditional surgical methods.
Interventional Radiology proves to be a game changer in the field of medical science. Consult your healthcare provider to seek advice and consider discussing Interventional Radiology Treatments as a simple yet effective solution.