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Knee Pain Treatment without Surgery


Knee Arthritis also known as Knee Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects about 7% of the world’s population which boils down to about 500 million people. Knee Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage in the knee joint collapses and causes the bones to rub against each other. This results in chronic knee pain, swelling of the knee joint and stiffness in the joints.

Although traditional knee pain treatments such as Knee Replacement Surgery is advised as the only option to cure chronic knee pain, risks associated with such surgeries are quite high. Moreover, the chance of reoccurrence of knee pain and complications due to this knee surgery are fairly on the upper side as well. This article dwells into the subject of a nonsurgical treatment option to treat knee arthritis along with providing the reader lifestyle modifications to tackle and relieve knee pain.

Treating Knee Pain


Knee Joint

The knee joint is the largest joint in the entire human body. It connects the thigh bone and the shin bone and is considered to be as important as your spinal cord. The knee helps you perform major and important activities such as standing, walking and helps you keep your balance. It consists of cartilage, muscles, nerves and is a part of the human skeletal system.

Why Knee Pain?

Knee Cartilage is a strong, flexible, connecting tissue that protects the knee joints. So, when the cartilage in your knee joint wares down or collapses it causes the bones to rupture against each other and results in severe chronic knee pain. This can affect a patient’s life in multiple ways from causing pain while performing basic activities such as walking to contributing to severe joint pain while indulging in strenuous activities such as lifting weights.

Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis



Although Knee pain in itself is a broad symptom of Knee Osteoarthritis, specific symptoms such as swelling, joint pain, weakness in the thigh muscle can all particularly point towards knee arthritis. Arthritis pain cannot be reduced immediately however knowing its symptoms helps patients diagnose arthritic knees and supports them to analyze treatment options to reduce knee pain.

Joint Pain

The most common and significant symptom of knee arthritis is joint pain. The cartilage in the knee is a cushion and acts as a sponge between the two bones. When the cartilage of the knee wares down, it causes them to rupture against each other resulting in joint pain. This joint pain can increase with time and affect the daily routine of a patient.

Joint Stiffness

Joint stiffness is a common symptom of knee arthritis. Joint stiffness usually occurs when the joint fluid also known as the synovial fluid is low. The joint fluid acts as a lubrication between the knee bones and when this fluid is low it causes the two bones rupture against each other causing stiffness and knee pain. Joint stiffness can also increase especially if the patient is above their optimal body weight.

Knee Swelling

The other infamous symptom of knee osteoarthritis is knee swelling. Knee Osteoarthritis causes pain and inflammation in the joints of the knee causing it to swell up. The swelling may look severe especially after a long period of inactivity for example, after waking up. This might also cause the skin around your knee to look red.

Knee Buckling

Knee Buckling is basically when your knees feel weak and instable. This can lead to overall instability, immobility and may worsen after indulging in any physical activity. This also increases chance of patients losing their balance and falling, particularly if they are older in age.

Warm Skin

Warm skin is also another symptom of knee osteoarthritis and is again caused due to the inflammation in the knee joints. The skin above the kneecap usually feels warm and is a typical indication of chronic knee arthritis. This can also lead to severe joint damage if left untreated.

Lifestyle Modifications that help you ease Knee Pain

Physical Therapy

Losing weight can be the best thing you could do for your knees if you are suffering with knee arthritis. This holds true especially if you are above your optimal body weight. Weight loss does not mean starving yourself and following a fancy diet. By weight loss, we refer to losing your excess weight which helps you reduce pressure exerted on your knees. This provides significant pain relief and helps reduce knee pain.

Low Impact Exercises

Low Impact exercises are safe and effective means to work out without injuring or damaging the knee and other joints and muscles. Strengthening exercises such as stretches, squats, calf raises, hamstring curls, leg extensions are considered to be beneficial for knee health and help reduce pain. However, this depends on the severity of knee osteoarthritis too, consulting a healthcare provider before indulging in exercising is always advised.

Treatment Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

Total Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement Surgery is considered to be the traditional surgical intervention to chronic knee pain. In a knee replacement surgery, an orthopedic surgeon removes the affected portions of your knee in order to replace it with a knee implant. While surgical interventions may be required for severe cases, there are other nonsurgical treatment options available which help relieving pain and improve overall knee function.

Joint Injections

Steroid Injections

Joint Injections or steroid shots are used to reduce inflammation in knee joints. Doctors inject this injection directly into a person’s joint to reduce swelling and increase overall range of motion. These steroid injections differ in types and here are a few of the most recommended joint injections

Corticosteroid Injections

Corticosteroid Injections are a combination of cortisone shots and numbing agents used to relieve pain and inflammation. The cortisone shots calm the immune system’s response to sending cells to heal injury in the body caused by knee osteoarthritis, thereby reducing pain and swelling.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Hyaluronic Acid is basically a natural substance that is produced in the body itself particularly in the eyes, joints and skin. Hyaluronic Acid acts as a greasy oil between the joints providing the same benefits that grease does for machinery. Hyaluronic Acid also has other benefits such as keeping the skin hydrated and flexible. Hyaluronic Acid Injections are given to inject this naturally produced substance if it’s low in content.

Platelet Rich Plasma PRP Injections

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy makes use of the patient’s own blood to heal affected parts of the knee. PRP is derived from blood plasma and helps in cartilage regeneration which is key to healthy knee joints. Once new grown cartilage replace cartilage which is worn out, the knee begins to heal itself and symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis begin to minimize. PRP therapy is known to boost regenerative ability and helps in speed healing.

Stem Cell Injections are similar to PRP therapies wherein they are derived from actual stem cells which can be derived from blood, bone marrow or even fat cells.

Knee Braces

A knee brace is a medical device that helps stabilize the knee joint. It acts as a crutch to an arthritic knee and helps the patient provide support to the affected joints. Knee Braces are also designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee and can help align the joint too.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy helps patients restore mobility and increases function of the knee joint. To reduce pain a physical therapist teaches certain exercises that help you enhance your overall movement quality. Moreover, an individual physical therapy plan is provided to patients depending on the healthcare provider.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Interventional Radiology

GAE (Genicular Artery Embolization) is an advanced IR (Interventional Radiology) technique that involves minimizing the blood flow to the affected region in the Knee, thereby decreasing knee pain and reducing its symptoms. Genicular Artery Embolization is a non-surgical procedure and does not involve making large incisions.

Advantages of Genicular Artery Embolization

  • Minimal Hospital Stay

This Interventional Radiology procedure does not involve making any large incisions. It is performed using a catheter by making a minor incision and does not require the usage of general anesthesia. For these reasons, the patient need not get admitted for days together and recovers rapidly.

  • Minimally Invasive Procedure

Genicular Artery Embolization is a non-surgical procedure and is minimally invasive in nature. This technique does not involve making large incisions and does not involve any sutures or scars. The patient recovers within a short span of time and can resume day to day activities without any delay.

  • Faster Recovery

When compared to other treatments, Genicular Artery Embolization provides faster recovery to patients keeping in mind it is a minimally invasive technique. This procedure does not require the patient to get admitted for days altogether. When compared with other surgical techniques Genicular artery embolization decreases the risk of complications too.


Knee pain also known as Knee Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that needs to be treated without delay for improved quality of life. The symptoms of knee pain can vary from patient to patient depending on its severity. While considering surgical treatment options to treat Knee Arthritis, Interventional Radiology techniques such as Genicular Artery Embolization prove to be a game changer in terms of benefits offered and the procedure as a whole. If you are planning to get your chronic knee pain treated, consider discussing Genicular Artery Embolization with your healthcare provider, as a solution for this chronic illness

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