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Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins: Costs, Benefits, and Side Effects

What is Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are leg veins that are overfilled or clogged with blood, causing blood pooling, blood to remain stagnant in the blood vessels. This in turn increases pressure in the blood vessels and leads to enlargement of the veins. Varicose Veins also obstructs blood circulation and delays proper blood flow and may to severe complications if left untreated.

Endovenous Laser Ablation is an advanced Interventional Radiology Technique that is minimally invasive procedure that provides patients complete relief from Varicose Veins with minimal side effects on the body. Most patients who have undergone endovenous laser treatment to treat varicose veins have experienced multiple benefits including minimal scarring, faster recovery and complete relief from Varicose Veins. Endovenous Laser Treatment can also be used to treat larger varicose veins.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

Visible Veins in the Legs

Varicose Vein is usually visible and can be spotted easily. It appears to be enlarged and twisted, the affected veins are usually blue or dark purple in color. Varicose Vein can develop on one or both the legs and bulges out through the skin’s surface. Apart from cosmetic concerns, not paying attention to Varicose Veins may lead to severe health issues such as Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Pain and Discomfort

Varicose Vein commonly develops because of standing or sitting for long periods of time. Varicose Veins can cause severe discomfort and pain especially while indulging in physical activities such as lifting weights. Even while performing normal activities the discomfort can be quite irritating and can affect overall quality of life.

Skin Changes

Skin changes including change of color on the skin surface is a common symptom of Varicose Vein. The skin may also become flaky, creating a sensation of itching or constant irritation. This indicates an advanced stage of Varicose veins and can lead to formation of open sores which might be hard to manage. Depending on the different skin types of the patients, symptoms related to skin may also vary.


Swelling of Veins in the legs indicates issues with blood circulation in the body. This can also lead to halting of blood flow, causing issues that range from pain, swelling, cramps, skin color changes to severe health conditions such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency.

Disadvantages of Traditional Varicose Vein Surgery

Vein Ligation & Vein Stripping

Vein Stripping or Vein Ligation is a surgical procedure to treat Varicose Veins. Ligation means “tying off” and Vein Ligation involves tying off the Varicose veins. Vein stripping as the words suggest, is stripping the affected veins off the body surgically to make blood flow through healthier veins.

Yes, the procedure in itself sounds very painful and involves multiple possible risks and complications. This type of treatment also requires performing anesthesia on the patient and may cause an allergic reaction. The most severe risk that such type of surgeries may produce is nerve damage to surrounding tissues or organs which may be irreversible.

Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins

Endovenous Laser Treatment



Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA), Endovenous Laser Treatment is an advanced IR (Interventional Radiology) procedure that is non-surgical and minimally invasive in nature. This procedure involves making a small incision to insert a thin laser fiber that heats the affected vein or veins using laser energy causing it to collapse.

This laser therapy closes and shrinks the size of the varicose vein and causes what is called a Scar Tissue within the blood vessel, which seals of the vein. With time the treated vein will fade away and the blood flow is directed to healthier veins improving overall circulation.

Varicose Veins treated with Endovenous lasers show higher success rates with minimal side effects on the body compared to surgical alternatives. Endovenous Laser Ablation has proven to be an effective laser treatment to treat Varicose Vein. Endovenous Laser Therapy boasts a massive 98% success rate and is a non-surgical procedure providing the patient to recover much faster.

Added Benefits with Endovenous laser Therapy

Benefits of Laser Treatment

Minimally Invasive

Endovenous Ablation is a non-surgical technique and does not involve making large incisions such as cuts, stitches or sutures, which is a huge advantage over traditional surgical methods.

Since they are highly advanced treatments, latest methods like using laser therapy to treat ailments along with imaging techniques such as ultrasound guidance provide the patient with minimal scarring and a faster recovery phase. These procedures are usually performed by an Interventional Radiologist. Ultrasound Imaging is often used to get a complete view of the affected veins.

Outpatient Procedure

Endovenous Laser Therapy does not require the patients to get admitted for days to the hospital. In most cases, the patient can return home the very same day. They can also continue with their regular activities within a few days. Moreover, local anaesthesia is only given to the patient eliminating risks associated with general common anaesthesia.

Fewer Complications

When compared to traditional surgical methods which usually involve open surgeries and are associated with high risk, non-surgical solutions have minimal side effects on the body. Open surgeries also increase the chance of severe complications such as blood loss and infection to surrounding organs.

With minimally invasive treatment options the chance of such complications occurring during the procedure minimizes drastically. Minimally Invasive procedures such as Endovenous Ablation also prove to beneficial for overall health and wellbeing of the patient.

Faster Recovery

Since IR (Interventional Radiology) techniques such as Endovenous Thermal Ablation are non-surgical and minimally invasive it provides faster recovery phase to patients allowing them to indulge in day-to-day activities much sooner than expected. Patients can also get back to work and resume physical activities such as working out, cycling etc.

Improved Appearance

Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT) is a minimally invasive procedure and does not involve major cuts, openings or incisions to be performed. Apart from providing the patient a rapid recovery phase, this technique also involves minimal scarring and thereby eliminates cosmetic concerns too.

Cost of Endovenous Laser Treatment

There are various factors that come into play while providing details on the cost of this laser treatment. Factors such as choice of city, type of healthcare provider, severity of the condition can all be crucial elements. However, as an approximate estimate the cost might just be over 1.5 lakhs if the patient is diagnosed with Varicose Veins in both the legs.

Potential Side Effects of Laser treatment for varicose veins

Laser therapy for Varicose Veins involves its own set of potential complications too. Unlike, major risks involved in open surgeries such as Vein Stripping and Vein Ligation, Endovenous Ablation may cause side effects such as skin discoloration or skin burns.

There is also a chance of temporary discomfort caused due to the insertion of the laser tip. Most patients have reviewed laser therapy to be highly positive and beneficial for Varicose Veins, nevertheless these are few of the possible risks associated to this procedure. It is also very important to choose a certified Interventional Radiologist to perform this procedure as it cannot be performed by regular surgeons.

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Options and choices are limitless in today’s world, from the food we consume to fashion, we never fail to compare and differentiate alternatives before taking a final call. Given the choices available in almost all sectors of life, we are still hesitant to choose wisely when it comes to the most important aspect, health. Why choose a single healthcare provider when we can bring you a multitude of options with neutrality inbuilt.

At Medagg we help you choose the ‘right treatment’ and the ‘right hospital’.


Varicose Veins in the legs is basically pooling of blood in a particular region in the blood vessel causing veins to enlarge and obstructing proper healthy flow of blood. Varicose Veins can be truly troublesome if left untreated and can cause multiple other health issues over time.

Traditional Surgical methods to treat Varicose Veins are usually open surgeries and involve numerous possible complications such as injuring the surrounding tissue, nerve damage, severe blood loss etc. Interventional Radiology techniques such as Endovenous Laser Treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that treat Varicose Veins using laser therapy and thereby eliminates risks associated with an open surgery providing the patient with complete and permanent relief from Varicose Veins.

If you are suffering with Varicose Veins don’t live with the pain and discomfort. Contact Medagg, we help you choose the right treatment options from best hospitals around.

We will help you find the right non-surgical treatment option.

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