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Uterine Fibroid Treatment in Ayurveda

Uterine Fibroid Treatment in Ayurveda

Understanding Uterine Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids also known as Myomas are growths in or on the uterus. Uterine Fibroids are common in women of reproductive age and are mostly non-cancerous however, it might cause infertility in women or pregnancy loss. Uterine Fibroid varies in size, from seedlings that are undetectable to the human eye to bulky lumps of masses that can distort, and cause enlargement in the uterus.

What Results in the formation of Uterine Fibroids?

The exact reason that causes uterine fibroids to grow in or on the uterus is unknown. However, here are a few factors that can contribute to the growth of Fibroids in the uterus.

Hormonal Imbalance

Fibroids usually grow when there is a hormonal imbalance in women. Estrogen and Progesterone (a hormone that play a vital role in the reproductive system of women) seem to promote growth of the fibroids.


A Family history of Uterine Fibroids can also contribute for Fibroids to form in women.

Impact of the Uterine Fibroids

Physical Discomfort and Pain

Apart from contributing to infertility in women, Uterine Fibroids cause a huge amount of physical pain and discomfort to women dealing with this condition.

Since fibroids are growths in or on the uterus wall, heaviness or discomfort in their abdomen or the lower pelvic region is a common symptom.

Emotional Stress and Anxiety

Women dealing with fibroids go through a wide range of emotions from stress to anxiety to fear and sudden panic and insecurity as well.

Sexual Health

Indeed, Fibroids do play a key role when it comes to affecting fertility outcomes in women. Fibroids have the potential to obstruct the fallopian tubes or the uterus, making it more difficult to conceive a child. The implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus can also be prevented by uterine fibroids.

Social Life

The fear and anxiety that comes along while dealing with Uterine Fibroids can all have a toll on one’s social life as well. Relationships, career, workplace productivity can be obstructed too.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Menstrual bleeding that is excessive is one of the most prevalent signs of uterine fibroids that you should be on the lookout for. Women who have uterine fibroids may also experience a lengthening of their periods, in addition to the passage of blood clots. In addition, uterine fibroids have the potential to cause anemia because of the significant increase in blood loss that occurs throughout the period cycle.

Menstrual Periods Lasting More Than a Week

Due to the growth of fibroids of the uterus it is possible for periods to last longer than its typical duration. Ultimately, this can lead to a significant amount of blood loss from the body, along with discomfort and physical pain.

Pelvic Pressure or Abdominal Pain

The growth of uterine fibroid can, in fact, have a greater influence on the abdominal and pelvic region, resulting in a sensation of fullness and pressure in that area of the body. In addition, this may cause difficulties in carrying out day-to-day activities and may also have an impact on an individual’s social life as well.

Frequent Urination

Fibroids of the uterus exert a constant pressure on the urinary bladder, which results in an increased need to urinate frequently. Once again, this can have an impact on a person’s sleep cycle as well as their productivity at work, in addition to producing a significant amount of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty.

Difficulty emptying the bladder

Uterine Fibroid of your Uterus can play a significant role in causing Urinary Tract Infection. Since the fibroids apply pressure on the bladder it is possible to not be able to pass urine completely which might result in a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).


The pressure exerted by uterine fibroids can significantly affect the rectum leading to difficulty in bowel movements.

Painful Intercourse

Fibroids can affect your sexual life as well. The growth of fibroids of the uterus may lead painful sexual intercourse which may in turn affect your sexual life.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

In Ayurveda, the quality of life depends on a union of the body, mind and soul. Based on the traditional, cultural and spiritual teachings, ayurvedic treatment offers a wide range of benefits and believes in a holistic approach to treat various conditions including adopting lifestyle changes for long term benefits.

The literal translation of the word Ayurveda means ‘Science of Life’. Ayurvedic Treatment options not only provide long term benefits to body but also believe in integration and the management of mind, body and soul.  Ayurveda is considered one of the oldest medical practices of treatment accepted worldwide.

Ayurvedic Treatment is also considered nature’s own form of medicine. The health of a woman plays a crucial role not only in the quality of a family but is also pivotal for the society and our nation as a whole. Ayurvedic Treatment for the management of gynecological issues associated with women has been in practice for centuries.

Ayurvedic Intervention emphasizes on a simple yet effective approach to deal with gynecological issues such as such as uterine fibroids, menstrual disorders and even infertility.

In Ayurveda, maintaining hormone balance, managing stress, adopting a healthy diet and indulging in physical exercise are all key components to avoiding or even preventing diseases. According to ayurvedic intervention, the body’s constitution must align with the lifestyle and practices followed by a person

The body’s constitution is also known as dosha. There are three main doshas in the body, which are namely Vata, Pitta, Kapha.


Based on the Ayurvedic Approach for Vata dominant individuals, periods are usually short, irregular and scanty. They often experience issues such as menstrual cramps, which might turn severe especially in the lower abdomen part of the body. This can also be accompanied by feelings of depression, anxiety low levels of energy etc.


For Pitta dominant individuals, going through an excess of menstrual cycle bleeding that lasts for a moderate duration is common. They may also face challenges such as problems with their skin, acne and a tendency to get irritated quickly etc.


Kapha dominant individuals on the other hand have a prolonged menstrual cycle and often experience symptoms such as nausea and overall fatigue.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment in Ayurveda

The treatment of uterine fibroids in Ayurveda involves thorough assessment of the primary cause of fibroids. This may include factors such as hormonal imbalance, poor digestion or accumulated toxins known as ama in the body. Uterine fibroid treatment in ayurveda targets on eliminating the accumulated toxins in the body and resetting its equilibrium for improved health and overall wellbeing.

Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashoka, Shatavari, Triphala, Guggulu, and Musta are renowned for their hormone-balancing, anti-inflammatory, and uterine supportive properties. These herbs play a significant role in regulating menstrual cycles, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall uterine health. The best Ayurvedic medicine for fibroids generally contains most of these highly effective Ayurvedic herbs and are helpful in managing the symptoms and discomforts associated with uterine fibroids.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment in ayurveda also believes in supplementing your diet with ayurvedic herbs such as Ashoka, Shatavari, Triphala, Guggulu, and Musta. These herbs are also renowned for their properties such as hormone balancing, anti-inflammatory capabilities and improving health overall.

Top Ayurvedic Medicines for Uterine Fibroids


Also known as Ashoka Briksh, it is one of the most ancient trees found across India. This Ayurvedic herb Ashoka, has a unique quality of having the ability to manage various health conditions related gynaecology. Ashoka helps in managing menstrual problems such as heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular and painful periods and even lower abdomen pain.

Taking Ashoka bark juice is also very beneficial as it purifies blood and promotes a healthy glowing skin.

Painful periods

Dysmenorrhea is the pain or cramps during or before a menstrual cycle. According to Ayurveda, Menstruation is controlled by Vata dosha. So, it is important that women make sure the Vata dosha is under control to manage painful cramps. Ashoka has Vata balancing property and gives relief in dysmenorrhea. It controls aggravated Vata and reduces lower abdomen pain and cramps during the period cycle.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy bleeding during the period cycle is called Raktapradar or excessive secretion of menstrual blood. This is due to an increase in Pitta dosha. Ashoka balances an aggravated Pitta dosha and controls excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle.


Ayurvedic Treatment options consider Lodhra as an effective medicine to treat the most common disorders related to the uterine health. Lodhra is basically a traditional plant, it’s roots and leaves have medicinal properties that can combat uterine fibroids and alleviate its symptoms.


Leucorrhea is thick, white discharge from the female genitals. According to Ayurvedic treatment this condition is a result of an imbalance of Kapha Dosha. Lodhra is very useful when it comes to tackling leucorrhea because of its unique properties of controlling increased Kapha Dosha .


Guggul is a small tree or a shrub that is predominantly found in the damp regions of the country. A guggul tree is known for its gummy raisins which contains ayurvedic medicinal properties. Guggul provides answers to multiple health conditions that women encounter.

Guggul helps enhance the function of thyroid gland which helps increase the production of thyroid hormones. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and promotes overall hormonal balance.

Kanchanar Guggulu

Kanchanar Guggulu is a powerful herbal medicine used widely in the treatment of several gynecological issues. Studies have revealed that Kanchanar Guggulu can offer positive results in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Kanchanar Guggulu has proven to play a vital role in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Its ayurvedic medicinal properties alleviates the symptoms caused by fibroids.

Purifies Blood and improves circulation

 The cellular composition of Kanchanar Guggulu aids in purifying blood in the human body. It also promotes healthy blood circulation.

Aloe Vera  

Aloe vera is a thorny cactus like plant that tends to grow in dry and hot weather conditions. Apart from using it for clear skin, acne removal, removing tan etc. Aloe Vera has proven beneficial when it comes to strengthening the female reproductive system as a whole. Its unique properties help in maintaining hormonal balance and regulates period cycle.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Cope up with Uterine Fibroids

Diet plays a crucial role in managing uterine fibroids. While it cannot completely cure or prevent this condition maintaining a balanced food regimen can help you lessen the fibroid impact. Following a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial since consuming certain foods on a regular basis can trigger the growth of fibroid.

Foods to include

Fiber rich foods

Consuming food rich in fiber is always a great option for women dealing with uterine fibroids. Fiber rich food helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system and also promotes wright loss. It acts as a hormone balancing super food and keeps blood sugar level at bay. For these reasons including fiber rich food in your diet can prove to be a game changer while dealing with fibroids.

Potassium rich foods

Increasing the intake of salt in your diet can lead to high levels of blood pressure. This can also trigger fibroid growth in women. As per studies, including potassium rich food in your diet helps balance blood pressure levels and combats the effects of excessive salt consumption.


Including the consumption of high-quality dairy products such as milk, whole fat cheese and even yogurt can prevent and even slow down the growth of fibroids.

Green Tea     

As we all know green tea contains several antioxidants. These antioxidants reduce inflammation in the body and bring down high estrogen levels. Heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle is a common symptom of uterine fibroids. However, since green tea contains mineral such as iron, it helps lessen the severity of these symptoms.

Getting enough Vitamin D

Getting enough Vitamin D may help reduce your risk of fibroids by almost 35 %. This vitamin is produced in your body naturally, when exposed to sunlight. However, people who live in colder conditions might want to increase their Vitamin D intake either through supplements or by consuming food rich in Vitamin D.    


Allocating time to accommodate a doable exercise routine is a key part of one’s lifestyle change that is crucial not only for overall fitness and mental health but also improves body metabolism which can be a key factor to prevents formation of fibroids. Moreover, managing stress levels and indulging in hobbies or playing a sport you love on a regular basis adds on to this holistic approach to preventing formation of uterine fibroids.

Introducing Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a non-surgical technique to remove the fibroids from your uterus, Uterine Fibroid Embolization is minimally invasive technique that is used to shrink fibroids by blocking their blood supply.

Also known as Uterine Artery Embolization, the procedure is usually performed by an interventional radiologist. This technique involves making a small incision in the groin area of the patient. Catheter (a thin tube) which carries micro particles is guided to through the arterial system to uterine arteries which supply blood to the fibroids.

These particles are transported through the catheter to enter the blood vessels that supply the fibroids and obstruct them, so preventing the fibroids from receiving blood supply. This technique is completely non-surgical as it only embolizes the blood supply to shrink fibroids.

Benefits of uterine Fibroid Embolization:

Minimally invasive

In contrast to more conventional surgical procedures, such as myomectomy and hysterectomy, UFE is a procedure that is considered to be less invasive. Due to the fact that it does not require major incisions, the risk of complications that are linked with it are significantly lesser.

Quick Recovery Time

There is a significant reduction in the amount of time required for recovery while choosing UFE. Because of this quicker recovery, women are able to resume their daily routines, job, and personal duties much sooner.

Preservation of Uterus

This can be a deal breaker in terms of other traditional surgical methods used to treat fibroids which is particularly important for women who wish to retain their fertility or avoid the psychological impact of losing their uterus.

Fewer Side Effects

UFE, being less invasive, has a lower risk of these severe complications. Additionally, the reduced trauma to the body means a lower likelihood of developing postoperative adhesions and other complications that can affect health on the longer run.

Who is a good candidate for Uterine Fibroid embolization?

UFE may be a good option for women with symptomatic uterine fibroids who want to keep their uterus intact, don’t want a surgery, or are worried about the length of recuperation required for conventional surgical procedures.


Uterine Fibroids are common in women of reproductive age and can significantly affect their lives in multiple ways. From affecting reproductive health to affecting social life managing symptoms and the impact caused by uterine fibroids can indeed be stressful. Ayurvedic Treatments for uterine fibroids provide a holistic approach in treating them. Nevertheless, with innovative and modern medical techniques such as Uterine Fibroid Embolization, treatment for fibroids has never been simpler.


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