What is the Normal Size of Uterus in cm
The Uterus also known as the Womb is a hollow shaped organ located in the female pelvic region. The pelvis is the lower part of the torso located between the abdomen and the legs. The Uterus is a vital part of the female reproductive system and is primarily responsible for carrying the fetus.
The Uterus is also where a fertilized egg implants during pregnancy and is responsible for the menstrual cycle too. The uterus weighs around 60 grams on an average and the Uterine size varies throughout a woman’s life, reflecting changes due to hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, and age.
The Uterus is considered to be one of the most important organs in a woman’s body. The normal size of the Uterus is about 7cm long and 4cm wide. The size of the Uterus may vary from one person to another but typically does not exceed the general dimensions by three inches.
Different Components in the Uterus
The Uterus looks like an inverted pear and consists of various components like the Fundus, Corpus, Isthmus and Cervix. The Fundus is the uppermost part of the uterus and connects to the Fallopian Tubes. Corpus is the main part of the uterus where a fertilized egg implants during pregnancy. Isthmus is where the Uterus starts to narrow down and is located between the Corpus and Cervix. Cervix is the lowest part of the Uterus which opens to the vagina.
Normal Uterus Size by Age
Women go through multiple phases of change both physically and mentally throughout their lives. At every stage, the size and shape of the Uterus can differ based on multiple factors such as age, hormonal changes, pregnancies, medical conditions.
Before Puberty
Before the phase of puberty, the length of the Uterus is approximately 3.5 cm. Usually, hormonal changes and the age of women affect the uterus size. Before attaining puberty, a normal uterus is about 3.5 cm in length and changes to almost all parts of the body including the uterus after women go through their hormonal changes during puberty.
During Puberty
During puberty, the length of uterus increases to around 7 cm in size. Puberty brings about quite a few significant changes in both the genders, especially for women. Most women notice a gain in weight and height along with other physical and mental changes such as increase in breast size, increase in hair growth in the arms, legs and in the pubic area.
Another significant change that can be quite challenging to deal with at first, is your first menstrual period. These changes contribute significantly to developing a healthy female reproductive system and an increase in uterine size is also a part of the process.
Reproductive Years
For women who have never given birth, the average uterus size is 72.8 mm X 42.8 mm X 32.4 mm in dimension. For those who have given birth, the average uterine size is 90.8 mm X 51.7 mm X 43.0 mm in dimension.
Post Menopause
Menopause for women is a phase when the hormone levels in their body start to drop. Hormones such as estrogen drop up to ninety percent and contribute to decrease in uterine size. During the Post Menopause phase the size of the Uterus typically ranges from 3.5 – 7.5 cm in length.
Abnormal Size of the Uterus
A normal Uterus is in the size of a clenched fist and appears to look like a light bulb. However, the uterus’s size can vary depending on various health conditions too. Here are a few common causes that can impact the uterine size
Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids of the Uterus or Uterine fibroids are abnormal tissue growth in the wall of the uterus and are mostly non-cancerous in nature but as the fibroids grow larger in size, they can contribute to an enlarged uterus.
Adenomyosis is a condition where the inner lining of the uterus grows into the muscle of the uterus causing it to thicken and thereby increases the Uterus size. Enlarged Uterus can also thicken the walls and can lead to heavy, prolonged and painful periods.
Endometrial Hyperplasia
The Endometrial Hyperplasia is basically hormonal imbalance especially that of Estrogen. The Estrogen levels can fluctuate significantly during perimenopause, the phase before menopause where hormonal levels can vary. High levels of Estrogen without the counter effects of Progesterone can increase fibroid growth which ultimately can cause the uterus to become enlarged or can even alter the size of the Uterus.
Symptoms of an Abnormal Uterus
- Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
One of the most common symptoms of an abnormal uterus is heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. Heavy bleeding followed by passage of clots can also be symptoms of a uterus that is not normal and can have a disrupting effect on the quality of life adding to excessive discomfort.
- Pelvic Pain and Pressure
Women dealing with unusual uterus size experience constant pain or even pressure in the pelvic region. This pain may increase while indulging in certain activities such as lifting weights and can even have a huge impact on regular life. This pain may worsen during menstruation or intercourse.
- Frequent Urination
Abnormal uterus can increase the pressure on the bladder leading to frequent urination and sometimes difficulty in emptying the bladder completely. Frequent Urination can have a huge impact on daily and social life and can also cause anxiety and public fear.
- Lower Back Pain
Symptoms of an unusual uterus can also include lower back pain. Since the uterus exerts excess pressure on the lower back muscles it can cause regular discomfort. Lower back pain can disrupt overall quality of life acting as hinderance in daily and professional life.
Treatment Options for Abnormal Uterine Size
Uterine Artery Embolization
Uterine Artery Embolization is an advanced IR (Interventional Radiology) technique that involves reducing the blood flow to the fibroids in the uterus to minimalize increase in its size and reduce the uterus’s abnormality. Bulky uterus symptoms cause the patient to consider surgical treatment options such as Hysterectomy for a permanent solution.
But, since UAE (Uterine Artery Embolization) is a non-surgical procedure and is minimally invasive in nature, it provides multiple benefits such as preservation of the uterus along with reducing the symptoms of a uterus.
Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing the uterus completely. By removing the uterus, symptoms of a bulky uterus or difference in change of size and shape of the Uterus disappear, however removal of the uterus can cause other major challenges one of which includes not being able to conceive. It is important to consider that Hysterectomy being a major surgery is completely invasive and requires weeks or even months to recover from.
For women who would like to preserve their fertility, Myomectomy is another treatment option to treat Uterine Fibroids. Fibroids of the Uterus is associated with altering the Uterine size and contributes to increasing the size of the gland.
Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that involves only removing the fibroids in the uterine gland and does not necessitate removing the uterus completely. This is also another alternative solution to Hysterectomy, nevertheless Myomectomy is still a surgical procedure.
Lifestyle Changes to deal with Abnormal Uterine Size
Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial for overall wellness and health. Reports suggest that most health problems are associated with either being too obese or too lean and leads to multiple health conditions such as diabetes, infertility, heart disease, fatty liver etc.
This holds true especially for women because, during pregnancy their body tends to change and adapts to nurture and grow the baby. Some women find it even more challenging to lose weight after the delivery of the child. It is quite common for the uterine to take some time to return to its regular size. With proper diet and regular exercise, women can find it very helpful to tackle various health issues including wellness of the bladder, uterine health etc.
Manage Stress
Chronic Stress can prove to impact gynecological health and affects the normal uterus. Managing stress during pregnancy and post-delivery can lead to providing to self-care. Finding healthy ways to cope up such as indulging in your favorite hobby, practicing yoga, meditation can all contribute to a healthy uterus and overall wellness.
Good Sleep
Prioritizing sleep can be a game changer in terms of improving quality of life and maintaining the uterine health. During sleep, the body undergoes crucial repair and since women experience various hormonal changes throughout their lives it is important to prioritize quality sleep for at least 7 hours a day.
Understanding the normal and abnormal sizes of the uterus is crucial for a women’s health. An abnormal size can stem from various conditions, each requiring specific treatment approaches. Women experiencing symptoms related to uterine size should consult healthcare professionals for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plans. Regular gynecological check-ups are essential for early detection and management of potential issues. If you experience symptoms related to an abnormal uterine size consult a gynecologist immediately for treatment options.